Emilitia Ennehrt

Commission Artist, World Builder, Part-time Musician

Terms of Services

Updated as of 04/13/2024

I Will Draw

  • Any anthro, alien, human, animal, mythical, and more, provided reference is available for guidance

  • Fictional theme: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Military, Medieval, etcetera.

  • Video game/movie-inspired/based content

  • Vehicles, equipment, armor, synthetics, complicated object, or machinery design

  • Blood and gore, depiction of violence, drug use, etc.

  • Limited body horror, cybernetic horror, etc.

  • Esoteric art or otherwise the things the Bureau of Suppression may be interested in…

  • NSFW content containing tasteful nudity or otherwise

What I will NOT draw

  • Specific copyrighted characters under the trademark of some companies e.g. Nintendo, Pixar, Disney

  • Underage characters or otherwise cartoon characters aimed at children

  • Explicit pornography

  • Fetishes or otherwise content deemed deviant pornography

  • Copying other artists’ art style

  • Political, Parodic, or otherwise inappropriate art of content associated with drama, real-life arguments, or events.

  • Ask if unsure

  • I have the right to deny taking any commission I am uncomfortable with

Payment Method is expected in order of preference;

  • Payment through commissioning through Ko-Fi after an agreement with the artist.

  • Payment via Payoneer (through a VISA credit, debit card, or Promptpay) using a Payoneer account.

  • A direct wire/transfer to Kasikorn Bank if the client has a Thai bank account.

  • Payment through Paypal if other methods are not viable.

Payment Policy is as follows;

  • Important: For Ko-Fi payment via buying a commission method, if the price is inaccurate, has not been agreed upon, or not accepted, expect to be refunded.

  • Important: Buying the Ko-Fi commission has to be done only after the request has been made by the artist.

  • Payment is expected after agreement on the sketch for lineart, upfront for the sketch.

  • Payment will be demanded when the commissioner starts work on the client’s commission, or when a sketch has been made, to confirm the next step of the drawing.

  • Payment plans are accepted but must be told in advance, and at least 50% should be paid for the art to be continued.

  • If a commission is agreed to be $100 or more, at least 20% upfront is expected for the sketch when the commission has been started.

  • Asking for anonymity is free of charge, however, for the art piece to not be posted anywhere, an additional 10% will be added to compensate for loss of traffic and revenue.

Commission Queue
Commissions are requested and accepted in four ways;

  • First come, first serve when the commission queue is open.

  • Special forms of commissions that are open periodically such as YCHs.

  • Google form with the opening period of two weeks if the queue is empty, once the form is closed, commissions are reviewed and accepted.

  • Via personal discussion with the artist, where a commission may be accepted under special circumstances.

Multiple commissions are accepted under this guideline;

  • Time and effort; some types of art and drawings are easier to make than others, for example, 5 shaded headshot slots will take about 1/3rd the time 5 reference sheet slots take.

  • Artistic ideas and suggestions; as much as it may be easy money to draw the same canine characters multiple times, sometimes someone comes up with interesting and unique ideas that may be more engaging.

  • Conversely, some commission descriptions may take more effort and skill than others, this will be accounted for in the workload.

Refund Policy

  • I do not accept refunds when the work is 75% finished

  • Full refund for non-sketch commission if the commission has not started

  • 75% and rounded up if the sketch is nearly finished

  • 50% and rounded up if the lineart is nearly finished

  • 25% and rounded up if the lineart has been finished

  • Commissions that are canceled by the commissioner for any reason will be fully refunded.

Changes and Fixes

  • Changes only apply once the sketch has been finalized and the lineart process has begun.

  • Small changes and fixes can be asked for free up to the flat color stage

  • Major changes requests such as anatomical or an already finished portion of the image may be charged extra depending on the size of the change

Work Process
Communication is preferred via Discord.

  1. Exchanging ideas, references, art, and confirmation on a commission

  2. A sketch is made, with changes until satisfied and approved, followed by a payment

  3. Follow-up sketches or line art will be sent for approval or minor changes

  4. The palette and flat color will be sent for approval

  5. The final product will be sent before finalized and sent

  6. Publishing

Completion Time

  • Commission turnover rates may take up from 2 weeks to 2 months after the commission has been started depending on the size of the commission. Clients are notified when work has begun on their queue

  • When in queue, it may take up to 2 months before work begins

  • Updates on what I’m working on and progress are regularly made on my Trello, but requesting update on discord or otherwise is also fine

  • Any events that happen that may cause a delay will be informed to the clients

  • A costly additional fee may be imposed for a rushed job, which put the queue onto priority list.

Finished Artwork

  • The finished artwork will be sent as PNG file(s) in a .zip file and uploaded on Trello alongside any compimentary edits and/or timelapse video

  • Finished artwork may always be published on social media platforms such as Twitter and Fur Affinity, including Patreon unless requested otherwise

  • Different resizes or re-upload can be requested anytime

  • Commission can be shared, used, or uploaded freely provided credit is given

Under no circumstances should my art be traced, used in blockchain-related technologies, to advertise, or in commercial uses without prior agreement.